15. Function and Operation of Cloud Client
2022-01-14 09:27

The role and operation of the cloud client

The cloud client is a data communication tool that connects ID card readers, fingerprint readers, card issuers, water control machines, and electric control machines as a one-card cloud management platform. If you use the above hardware, you need to use the cloud client for connection.

1. On the login page of the one-card cloud management platform, click "App Download".

2. Enter the App download page and click the "Download" button of the cloud client.

3. After the software is downloaded, open the location where you downloaded the software and double-click to install the software.

4. Start the software, and the cloud client icon will appear in the lower right corner of the system window, which means that the cloud client has been opened.

5. Press and hold the right mouse button to display the status of the cloud client.